Bad News for Jeep

IMG_1020Our friend did it again! Jeep is going to have surgery on September 9th – this time for her right back leg.

X-rays confirmed that Jeep tore her right CCL which is a ligament (much like a rubber band) that allows her knee to bend. The vet will need to break her shinbone and insert a metal rod and plate into it.  This will have to slowly heal, but once it does, she will be better than new!

Jeep is able to walk and you will see her around school through Friday, September 6th.  She has to take it easy and not use stairs.  She has difficulty standing up from a sitting position.  Jeep will have to stay home and heal until Halloween.

Poor Jeep!  This means once again NO jumping, NO playing, NO running and NO climbing on couches for 6 to 8 weeks.

I sure hope Dottie Com understands the rules!

In the meantime, when you see her, be sure to get your dose of fluff and wish our fuzzy friend well.

7 thoughts on “Bad News for Jeep

  1. So sorry for Jeep! Best wishes for her knee. She had such great success with her first one, I hope the second goes as well!

    Lisa Doane.

    Sent from my iPhone


    1. Thank you!! I am hoping she can get a lot of kid time into the next 7 school days. Poor girl was tired tonight and is doing better with Rimadyl. (oh, and two double stack cheeseburgers from Wendys!)


  2. Hello, Wondering if you might be able to set up a time to stop by my class and let them get in one more Jeep time. They are quite Jeep-worthy this year, and I am sure they will have questions. Possible times are 8:30 – 9:25 (we have specials at 9:30), 11:40 – 12:25 (we have lunch at 12:30), 2:00 – 2:30 (yep — it takes us that long to pack up!). Let me know what days/ times work for you. Thanks! Karen

    Karen Lennes 5th Grade Teacher W.L. Thompson Elementary


  3. I am so sorry to hear this ,Jeep! Hoping you are feeling better very soon and you and Dot Com are following the rules.


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